Thursday, April 1, 2010

Today I am Queen April

Being named April on this Fool's Day wasn't pleasant as a child. Kids would tease and pully hair and sing your a fool, your a fool, your a fool!

It wasn't until my third grade teacher Mrs. Hawkins told me the holiday was fool's day, a possessive by which owing to my name I was queen of all fools whom seek to prank and tease, that I became empowered to right this small social injustice!

Three years ago my yougest tried to pull the same old sing song teasing on me and it didn't work. I played my queen card with pride, he informed me that real queens have crowns and I told him mine was in the shop so I fashioned one for myself out of construction paper and wore it all day!

Ladies and gents at the grocers looked at me funny and I didn't care I was proving a point!

I have a co-mother (think coworker) who celebrates this holiday with ice cream breakfast sundaes and breakfast for supper. Me I journey through with a knowledge that the prankers are my court jesters and I am queen for a day!


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